Our Blog + Latest News

Local Progress Reacts to Lack of State and Local Funding in $484 Billion Coronavirus Aid Legislation

WASHINGTON, DC — In response to the announcement that the Senate unanimously approved a bipartisan deal for additional coronavirus aid.

City Leaders Rally Around a Fix: Cancel the Rent

To prevent a housing disaster, leaders in nine U.S. cities called on state and federal officials to give more support to tenants as the COVID-19 crisis deepens.

RELEASE: 100+ Elected Officials Call on Congress and Federal Reserve for Financial Relief

100+ Local and State Elected Officials Call on Congress and Federal Reserve for Financial Relief to All Cities, States, and Territories.

Leading with equity in your coronavirus response

Local politicians decided to have police, policies evaluated. Results were shocking.

Of the 12 major cities that were evaluated, all still need significant improvements on police policies that regulate the use of force, provide strong independent oversight and prevent federal immigration enforcement from co-opting local law enforcement.

A new profile calls Local Progress the “strategic switchboard” for local progressives

Local Progress, a nationwide network of left-leaning municipal elected officials, is fast becoming the strategic switchboard for America’s increasingly liberal cities.

Reform/Transform: An Analysis of Policing in 12 Cities

A Policing Policy Toolkit to provide local elected officials, policymakers, and organizers with a resource on how to evaluate policing reforms according to a set of standardized criteria across jurisdictions.

Reflections from A Powerful Local Progress NY State Convening

Our state convening ended a little over a week ago, and now Local Progress members are back home putting what we discussed into action in their communities.

Everyone Needs a Safe Place to Call Home

There is a simple truth that connects every person in all of our cities, counties, towns, and villages across the country.

100+ Local Elected Leaders Call On McDonald’s to Clean Up Act on Sexual Harassment

More than 100 local government officials from over 70 jurisdictions and 30 states are calling on McDonald’s.

New Resource: The Potential Pitfalls of Privatization

We are thrilled to share a new resource developed in partnership with In the Public Interest (ITPI): The Potential Pitfalls of Privatization.

New policy briefs on trans equity, drug policy, and workers’ rights

Local Progress is pleased to release three new policy briefs as part of its 2019 edition of Policy for Local Progress.

Have a Media Inquiry?

Local Progress is a movement of local elected officials advancing a racial and economic justice agenda through all levels of local government. We are elected leaders who build power with underrepresented communities and fight to reshape what is possible in our localities all across the country. 

Want to get in touch with us for a story? Reach us at press@localprogress.org.

In The News

At Local Progress, we seek to make the aspirational pragmatic by showing how government can be a tool to create just and equitable outcomes and reshaping peoples’ understanding of governing from an institution to a collective responsibility. Here are some highlights of our media coverage:

Image of brownstonehomes. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Cities lead bans on algorithmic rent hikes as states lag behind

Minneapolis on Thursday has become the fourth U.S. city to ban algorithmic rental price-fixing software, joining San Francisco, Philadelphia and Berkeley, California, in a growing wave of legislation aimed to protect renters from rental price-gouging.
Portland City Council member Angelita Morillo is championing a local ban on the use of algorithms to set rents, following a U.S. Justice Department antitrust lawsuit.Beth Nakamura

Portland City Council weighs ban on using algorithms to set rents

Portland, Oregon could soon be the next city to ban rental price fixing!
East Front of the United States Capitol in Washington, DC, against blue sky and clouds. Photo: Tada Images via Shutterstock

Hundreds of State Officials Oppose Anti-Sanctuary City Act

Nearly 400 state and local electeds nationwide sent a letter to Congress today urging them to vote NO on HR 32 – a dangerous bill that would strip our communities of essential funding simply for undertaking reasonable policies that make all of us safer.
Photograph of the San Fransisco skyline. Photograph Source: Raydann

Social Housing Emerging in Cities Needs Local Govt Support

Local Progress founding board chair Nick Licata makes the case for local governments to support social housing.

press Releases

A large group standing around while one person speaks at a podium.

Road To Good Cause Campaign Scores 11 Victories Across Upstate New York

The coordinated campaign of local officials expand critical renter protections to thousands of tenants, setting their sights on Rochester next.

NEW REPORT: How Local Government Can Stand Up for Workers When States Try to Stand in Their Way

This new report for Labor Day 2024 highlights ways local elected officials can advance workers rights even when facing both hostile state preemption and federal labor law preemption.

How Localities Use Community Responder Programs to Keep People Safe

This new video from Local Progress and Local Progress Impact Lab focuses on three specific localities: Durham, Oakland, and Albuquerque to explain what community responder programs are, how they work, and why hundreds of localities are starting to adopt them.

After Grants Pass: organizing to house all our neighbors

In response to the Supreme Court's cruel decision in Grants Pass v. Johnson, we will continue to organize for housing for all.

Local Progress Condemns Cruel Supreme Court Decision in Grants Pass v. Johnson

In response to the Supreme Court’s decision in Grants Pass v. Johnson, Local Progress put out the following statement.