Immigrant Justice
Everyone deserves to move freely, pursue their dreams, and thrive. We’re fighting for a country that honors all families by ensuring they have access to the resources they need and protecting undocumented communities from the deportation machine.

Our vision and work

People with the courage to move for a better life help make our country and our communities vibrant and strong. But right now our federal immigration system is not working to honor these families – fueled by racist rhetoric and policy, and corporate backers that seek to divide us in order to maintain power.

At the local level, leaders are using their power to protect immigrant communities from the deportation pipeline, pass inclusive policies that treat people with dignity, and provide meaningful opportunities for people to participate equally in our society and become citizens in the country they to chose to call home.

FEATURED resourceS

Local Power to Choose Welcome: Supporting New Arrivals with Dignity

This policy memo offer local government leaders direction on how to ensure their localities can follow the lead of communities, and take on this shared responsibility to create a welcoming infrastructure. The memo details medium-term strategies that local governments can take to welcome migrants and people seeking asylum in order to support their transition into a new community.

First page of a messaging guide to help local electeds speak speak publicly and proactively about welcoming and supporting new arrivals in their communities.

Messaging Guide to Support New Arrivals

New messaging guide will help local elected officials speak publicly and proactively about welcoming and supporting new arrivals in their communities. The messaging guide includes framing principles, topline messages, ‘how to respond when’ scenarios, policies to choose welcome, and tactics and resources to leverage your voice to shift the narrative.


Blogs And Featured News

New Resource Helps Local Electeds Welcome and Support New Arrivals with Dignity

Our newly released resource aims to chronicle this roadmap – offering direction for local electeds to follow the lead of communities, and take on this shared responsibility to create a welcoming infrastructure.
An artist's rendering of the planned residential development at The Heights, a mixed-use development slated to bring 1,000 living wage jobs,1,000 affordable housing units, and strong environmental benefits to Saint Paul's East Side. (Image by LHB Corp)

Minnesota’s New Green Bank Is Powering a Net-Zero, Mixed-Use Development With Affordable Housing

St. Paul is tapping Inflation Reduction Act funds and the state’s new green bank to turn an abandoned golf course into a large-scale mixed-use development. Plus, it all runs on geothermal energy.
A rendering of the development plans for The Heights in Saint Paul, MN.

How Saint Paul, MN is leveraging federal funds for justice

Saint Paul is leveraging federal funds for environmental benefits, affordable housing, and good green jobs. Find out how in our new case study!
A construction worker carrying a large piece of wood in the hot sun with their face and body mostly covered up. (Photo courtesy Ivette Carolina Agudelo-Lopez + Yerba Buena Engineering & Construction, Inc)

Cities Want To Give Worker’s Heat Breaks. States Are Stopping Them.

As the climate heats up, LP's LiJia Gong makes the case that abusive state preemption is prohibiting localities addressing climate change.

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