Issue Spotlights
All across the country, local governments are advancing the most innovative solutions to our biggest problems and creating new models of governance. At Local Progress, we work on a broad intersectional progressive agenda driven by a vision of racial and economic justice.


Everyone deserves safe jobs and family sustaining wages. At the local level, we can win safer workplaces, higher wages, and better benefits for all.

Home Rule

Local governments need home rule authority to address the pressing problems facing their communities. New abusive state preemption suppresses local organizing for our agenda for racial & economic justice.


Housing is an essential need. Across the country, localities are working to advance renter protections, increase affordable housing, and build thriving neighborhoods.


We’re fighting for a country that honors all families by protecting undocumented communities and ensuring they have access to the resources they need.

Leveraging Federal Resources

Local governments have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to leverage historic federal funding to advance racial, economic, and climate justice.


Everyone deserves to feel and be safe. Across the country, localities can build real safety by investing in communities and addressing the root causes of instability.


Thriving public schools are the bedrock of a just, multiracial society. With roughly 15,000 school districts in the US, the opportunity & necessity to organize behind a common agenda is clear.

Visit Our Resource Library

Local Progress has an extensive resource library with robust reports, two-page policy briefs, messaging guides, case studies, and more! We highlight solutions to the most pressing problems and the best practices from the network.