Trainings & Webinars
In addition to the extensive resource library, the Local Progress Impact Lab regularly hosts trainings and webinars that share policy and organizing strategies around key issues, including housing, public safety, immigrant justice, and workers’ rights.
Check out our latest offerings below!

Policy & Strategy Primers



Media Strategies

Thurs, Feb 22 | 1pm PT / 4pm ET | Location: Zoom
As local elected officials, it is crucial that you develop a vision and strategy for getting you and your community's stories told through the media – especially now in a media landscape increasingly defined by scarcity in communities of color and non-major cities. This training will empower you with strategies to craft effective messages and tools through which to get those messages out into the world.

Police Accountability

Thurs, Feb 29 | 1pm PT / 4pm ET | Location: Zoom
For too long, we’ve relied solely on policing for everything while at the same time underinvesting in public housing, infrastructure, schools, and healthcare – which has caused decades of harm in Black and Brown communities. It doesn’t have to be this way. This workshop will introduce core concepts for how to instill accountability and restrain abusive and discriminatory policing. Topics covered will include data collection and transparency, independent oversight of police, and use of force.

Social Media Strategies

Thurs, Mar 14 | 1pm PT / 4pm ET | Location: Zoom
Social media is an opportunity for local elected officials to own their stories and speak directly to their communities outside of the traditional media landscape. This workshop will offer ways to identify which platforms are right for you, how to establish your voice, and how to effectively use social media to engage your community and support your policy and governing priorities.

Workers' Rights

Thurs, Mar 21 | 1pm PT / 4pm ET | Location: Zoom
Policies and enforcement that protect the rights of workers, ensure workers are able to meet their basic needs, and support workers’ efforts to organize are foundational to building healthy, thriving, and equitable communities. This workshop will provide an overview of the numerous policy levers available to local governments—including localities in preempted states—to advance and protect workers’ rights. Topics covered will include: leveraging your contracting and licensing power, establishing worker boards and labor agencies, being a model employer, creating new labor standards, and more.

Community Responder Programs

Thurs, May 16 | 1pm PT / 4pm ET | Location: Zoom
People are safer when they are taken care of. But for too long, we have relied on policing and the criminal legal system while underinvesting in what people need to thrive. This workshop will highlight how community responder programs can foster community safety from a public health perspective.

Local Budgets & Finance

Thurs, May 30 | 1pm PT / 4pm ET | Location: Zoom
Budget authority is one of the most powerful tools in local governance. This workshop will provide a primer on budgetary and finance issues in local governments as well as ways to use the budget process to advocate for change and center workers rights, housing justice and more.

Understanding Governance & Oversight Tools

Thurs, June 4 | 1pm PT / 4pm ET | Location: Zoom
Advancing racial and economic justice at the local level will require engaging all of the governance and oversight tools available to local elected officials. This workshop will provide an overview of some of the most important–and least talked about–governance tools for local elected officials, including procurement, policies governing the municipal and school district workforce, working with city staff (managers, attorneys and other department heads), and–crucially for local legislators–oversight and accountability.

Housing Justice

Thurs, June 12 | 1pm PT / 4pm ET | Location: Zoom
Local governments have a critical role in ensuring their policies preserve and develop housing so that it is affordable, accessible, and dignified for everyone. This workshop will give an overview of housing issues and strategies that advance equity utilizing a range of levers, including renter protections, investing in affordable housing preservation, and managing new housing development.

Looking for more Resources?

Check out our resource library! We highlight solutions to the most pressing problems and the best practices from the network.