LPNC State Download đź“Ł | LPNC at the National Convening, recent policy wins & more! | September 2024

Over the summer, over 15 Local Progress North Carolina members traveled to Oakland, CA for the Local Progress National Convening #LP2024! Read on for a recap & summary of helpful resources. Additionally in this issue, you’ll hear more about recent local wins around North Carolina. Check it all out below!

In July, Local Progress North Carolina (LPNC) members from across the state joined fellow members in Oakland for Local Progress’s largest National Convening to date! LPNC took advantage of being in person to self-organize a meetup, where members were able to socialize and deepen their connections.

Over 420 local elected officials, partner organizations and allies in attendance from around the country truly embodied the convening’s theme of “Rooted in Reshaping Our Future.” See more highlights and photos from our three days learning, building and growing with one another here.

LP North Carolina Organizing Committee member, Kim Roney, helped compile resources from various convening breakout sessions, so whether or not you were able to attend yourself, you can check them out here. If you have additional breakout session resources to share, feel free to add it to the linked spreadsheet for future reference!

❤️ Fayetteville, NC

In Fayetteville, NC, council members successfully passed a budget in June that secured $3 million for enhancing public safety and community well-being. More specifically, funding allocations for the city’s Office of Community Safety will support four priorities: mental health response and diversion, violence prevention and intervention, homeless risk reduction and youth opportunities. With these additional resources, the city is looking to hire a Office of Community Safety Director, so please spread the word to your respective networks! 

đź’° Durham, NC

In more budget news, the Durham City Council voted to approve $28.5 million in raises for the fiscal year starting July 1, 2024. This funding translates to an increase in the minimum livable wage for city workers to $19.58 per hour from $18.46. Additionally, $1 million was allocated in the budget to build on the city’s 2022 guaranteed income pilot program to support formerly incarcerated people.

Have any interesting news and/or wins you would like to see in the newsletter? Please email Chad Radock, LP’s Associate Organizing Director at cradock@localprogress.org

🗓️ Upcoming Traffic Safety Webinar for LPNC members!

On Monday, October 7 from 11:30am-1pm ET, join Local Progress staff, speakers and fellow North Carolina members to explore innovative policies and strategies to create genuine traffic safety in your municipality, with a focus on public health and racial equity. Register here! 

đź’» Partner Webinar re: Driving Equity & Preemption!

Complementing the webinar above, our partners at Local Solutions Support Center (LSSC) are also hosting a webinar next month. On Thursday, October 17 at 2pm ET, Professor Jorge Camacho and Local Progress Legal Fellow Kat Kerwin will discuss their forthcoming white paper, which explores preemption-related concerns that have arisen after passing laws intended to curb the police’s role in traffic enforcement. Register here! 

🧰 New Resources

In other news, here are some of our newest resources:


đź’° ARPA Deadline is Fast Approaching!

Leaders across the Local Progress network seized American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) for recovery programs informed by the principles of advancing equity, reimagining public safety and advancing worker’s rights. The deadline for local governments to obligate ARPA SLFRF funds is December 31, 2024. Remember, budgeting is not the same as obligating. For more information about what obligating means, check out this resource. 

💝 LP Caucuses 

LP now has three identity-based Caucuses: the Black Caucus, Women’s Caucus, and our newest, the Nuestro Caucus, for Latinx members. Caucuses are a safe space for community building, organizing, and collective healing. Caucuses meet regularly to support elected officials in their governing and leadership positions. Our caucuses will have several opportunities for you to engage in this year. Sign up to join an identity caucus here.

🤝 Be part of our Partner Pipeline!

ATTENTION PARTNER ORGS: Are you a 501(c)4, Labor, Political Action Committees, Political Committees and pipeline partners whose work focuses on candidate identification, cultivation and endorsement of local races? We want to talk to you! LP and the Impact Lab are currently conducting an asset mapping to support the movement pipeline from elections to governance. Complete this form today to receive an invitation to our 2025 Partners Pipeline Briefing.

🫂 Let’s Grow LP!

Know of other progressive local electeds who may be interested in joining our network? Share our member sign up form using this link; we are excited to recruit new members across every region of the state!

