Economic Justice
Everyone deserves the opportunities, security, and community they need to thrive. At the local level, we can win safer workplaces, fair wages, & better benefits for all – helping to ensure our economy truly works for everyone, not just the wealthy few.

Our Vision and Work

We all work hard for our families, pitch in for our communities, and try to make things better for those to come. For too long, greedy corporations and the wealthy few rig the rules in their favor and line their pockets with profits while too many struggle to make ends meet. Together, we can build an economy where people matter more than profits and all of us can thrive. 


At Local Progress, we are fighting for an economy where working people have structural power in our government and the right to organize on their job sites. Across the country, local governments are working to protect people from exploitation and abuse, ensure community benefits are part of infrastructure investments, and boost the capacity of women and minority-owned businesses to thrive and grow in communities.


The Role of Local Government in Protecting Workers’ Rights

In recent years, cities, counties, and other localities have become innovators and leaders in standing up for working people. This report provides an overview of some of the most noteworthy ways in which localities have taken action. 


Blogs And Featured News

Photo of a large group of people part of a UPS Teamster Practice Picket holding up signs that read "Photo of a group of UPS workers in uniform and holding up signs that say "UPS Teamsters: Just Practicing for a Just Contract" with Scabby in the background

What the UPS Contract Means for Collaborative Governance

UPS workers voted overwhelmingly in favor of a historic contract that will mean higher wages, better benefits, and more growth for 340,000 employees and that raised labor standards across the country. Here's what that means for how local electeds should collaboratively govern.
People working together in a community garden (photo credit: Canva)

Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity for Local Leaders to Leverage Nearly Unlimited Federal Funds

We just released a new resource with our friends at the Congressional Progressive Caucus Center to help you take advantage of a once-in-a-generation federal funding opportunity!
Factory workers and UAW union members form a picket line outside the Ford Motor Co. Kentucky Truck Plant in the early morning hours on October 14, 2023 in Louisville, Kentucky. (Michael Swensen / Getty Images)

Workplace Militancy Isn’t Enough for Labor

Progressive labor movement must collaborate with like-minded local, state, and federal elected officials through networks such as Local Progress, the State Innovation Exchange, and the Congressional Progressive Caucus to expand and sustain hard-won gains.

180+ State and Local Elected Officials Urge Congress to Reject the EATS Act

LP and the State Innovation Exchange (SiX) released letters calling on Congress to protect local and state governments ability to create policy that is responsive to the issues their own communities face in the agricultural industry. 

Want to Get More involved?

Check out our steering committees! Our work is member-led and our issue steering committees offer a big picture perspective on LP’s programmatic work.