After Grants Pass: organizing to house all our neighbors

Housing is a human right. We know this to be true and continue our collective work in making it a reality. We also know that our journey towards housing justice isn’t without its hurdles. 

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision in the case Grants Pass v. Johnson, ruling that localities can punish unhoused people for sleeping in public, even if they have nowhere else to go. This is a devastating decision. One that will undoubtedly embolden some local governments to pass misguided laws that criminalize homelessness (as many already have). 

The only humane and effective way to address homelessness is to make sure that everyone has a place to call home. 

From the time the court took up this case, Local Progress members have been involved. Over 150 elected leaders signed on to an amicus brief asking the court to reject the criminalization of homelessness. We rallied on the steps of the Supreme Court demanding that our voices, and Housing First policies, be heard during these arguments. Members from across the country submitted testimonies and videos to show their support for solutions that put the humanity of our neighbors front and center.

Despite this ruling, we recommit ourselves to the work ahead. 

This case was never going to solve the homelessness crisis facing our country, and as a national network of progressive leaders we remain committed to finding those solutions. 

Housing, wraparound services, and dedicated support are proven solutions to addressing the needs of our unhoused neighbors. We encourage you to continue advancing Housing First policies. Our existing policy resources provide guidance and tools to help you bring a community-centered response to your locality:  


We’ll be sharing more resources to the network soon. In the meantime, feel free to reach out for support. We’re in this together.

