Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity for Local Leaders to Leverage Nearly Unlimited Federal Funds

What if we told you that localities could utilize nearly unlimited federal funding for clean energy projects NOW that would directly advance racial, economic, and climate justice in your communities? You’d say, “sign me up!” Right?

Well, it’s true! For the first time ever, thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the federal government will give nearly unlimited funding to local governments and schools for clean energy projects through Direct Pay tax credits. And if your locality has worked on this type of project in 2023, you could be eligible for cash NOW.

Want to learn more? We just released a new resource with our friends at the Congressional Progressive Caucus CenterCash for Communities: Leveraging Historic Federal Funds for Racial, Economic, and Climate Justice – that will dig into the details, including: 

🧰 Background on the funding available through Direct Pay

🤝 Community education and outreach

♻️ Local implementation that centers racial, economic, and climate justice 

💲 Bonds, funding, and incentives  

This once-in-a-generation opportunity gives localities nationwide the chance to truly invest in their communities with hyper-local clean energy projects.

Here are a few examples to get you brainstorming: 

☀️ Installing solar panels on every school, thereby boosting teacher pay

🏡 Creating disaster resilience hubs in underserved neighborhoods 

💡Building publicly-owned utility-scale renewable energy projects on city-owned land

🚌 Implementing an all electric municipal fleet, improving air quality for all residents

💚 Creating good quality green jobs for local residents that build clean energy infrastructure

📣 Directly engaging frontline communities to ensure projects reflect their needs 

For more LP resources, check out our resource library!  

