The Local Progress network has changed a lot since its inception in 2012. We’re now more than 1,000 local elected official members strong, in nearly every state in the country. With our partner organizations State Innovation Exchange and re:power, we’re holding progressive governance trainings from coast-to-coast. We’re developing a strong collective voice on the issues that matter to our communities, like police reform, affordable homes for all, and immigrant rights. And we’re organizing across localities to build state power.
I am thrilled to share that you can read all about that work and more in a new profile of Local Progress that just came out this morning in The American Prospect.
Calling Local Progress the “strategic switchboard” for progressive work in America’s localities, the story by Rachel M. Cohen is an in-depth report on both the vision of what we’re building and the details of how we’re doing it.
In the story, Local Progress Vice Chair Helen Gym reflected on how there are many resources to help people run for office but “once you get elected there’s almost nothing in place to support you, and you enter into a very dysfunctional environment that you are supposed to overcome.”
We are proud to be building a powerful organization that can can provide support for hundreds of local elected officials. And together we are doing so much more than sharing best practices on policy. Our staff and members are building the capacity, leadership, and relationships necessary to translate progressive values into governance. That is the difficult, complex and ultimately transformative work we are leading at Local Progress in big cities, small towns, counties, school boards, and villages all across the country.